Calciomercato Napoli, Thiago Alcántarafor Donadel replacement?

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CALCIOMERCATO NAPLES THIAGO ALCANTARA - the extended absence of the Donadel injured person has put to knot the problems of the centrocampo of Naples, not complete numerically having spoken in order to face two competitions thus important like the championship and Champions League. But the partenopea society would gladly have added an other dowel for the unit centers them and this is demonstrated from the negotiation (about which nobody it had spoken up to now) that it has been for the centrocampista of Barcelona Thiago Alcantara. Of it Filippo Fusco, important mediator of market between Italy and Spain has spoken, to Sport Radius: "With Bigon we have dealt for longest time Thiago Alcántara, but even in a situation as Naples could have met difficulty also the better talent of its generation ".

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